Marketing Tip – Bombbomb - with the written word alone, it's really hard to build relationships -especially in business.
24th November 2020
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When we communicate through the written word alone, it's really hard to build relationships -especially in business. This is because text lacks nuance and emotion, it leaves our messages open to some misunderstanding - especially when they're sent digitally over email or social media. 

Whereas our brains are wired to remember faces, and this is why BombBomb is such a brilliant tool for business. BombBomb lets you record and send videos directly to anyone from your computer or phone. 

No special software or cameras are required – there is no rendering or time-consuming uploads. The video is embedded directly into the email and if you know how to send an email, you can send a video with BombBomb – and the impact it has is massive. 

You can record your face, your screen or both. You can send videos whenever you already send text or email and best of all, you get to see who's watching your videos and when with BombBomb’s super-cool tracking tools. 

Honestly, it’s an absolute dream for any professional business person.  

And if you feel nervous about using video, then don’t worry. BombBomb allows you to re-record as many times as you want before sending it – so don’t let that inhibit the opportunity here. 

It is a hugely powerful tool that always gets a positive response and makes you stand out and be memorable. It is such an important part of the marketing arsenal for so many of the most successful UK businesses. 

Go to and give it a try (they even give you a whole month free to see for yourself the difference – imagine how many videos you could send with that!.) 

☎️PS – Remember, like any tool, there is a right and effective way of using it and also less effective ways – So give us a call on 01737 350 079 or email us via if you’d like to know how to get the most from this amazing software. ☎️


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