Marketing Tip - Who’s It From?
22nd June 2021
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Over the last few weeks, we’ve been highlighting some little tricks that can help you get better open rates and therefore responses, from your email communications.

Well, we have 1️ more technique that most businesses pay no attention to but can really help catch people’s attention when they’re browsing their inbox.

It’s the “From” name.

The ‘from’ name is WHO the email comes from.

You can see from the image that people take very different approaches to their ‘from’ names. The key here is that people RECOGNISE who you are - we don’t like to open emails from strangers!

Once you choose your ‘from’ name it’s best to be consistent with it. We find the ‘From’ name that gets the most opens is:

Nigel Stickland

Who’d have thought?!

Using a real name as the ‘from’ name makes the email look and feel like a personal one. Using just a company name screams ‘I AM AN AUTOMATED PROMOTIONAL EMAIL’ and will often decrease your open rates.

If you’re using a new name and want to avoid confusion then you can combine the two:

e.g Nigel from thebestofepsomandewell

This can be a best of both worlds’ situation, because it remains personal, but also reminds people where we’re emailing from.

Give us shout if you want a reminder of the previous “tricks” that can help get more of your emails opened and read. Get in touch via

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