How clean are you – with your devices?.
11th April 2019
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As we visit many customers we see lots of devices – and in lots of states. We’re not talking about the internal software here – we’re talking about the external appearance.

Grubby finger marks on screens, sticky tacky key pads, dusty exteriors. Not nice – but hey - who has the time to clean their computer – laptop – ipad – phone. It still works – why bother?

Well the dust bit is important – it may not be harmful on the flat surfaces – but what if it gets into the various ‘sockets’ or through the vents into the internals?  And dust does get everywhere – ask anyone who cleans their home themselves.

Grubby marks on the screen may be annoying – but do they really matter? If you’re taking the device to a meeting and have to show the screen say to a client – it does not look very professional and can even distort  the picture.

Sticky keys – we’ve all had it – a drop of mayo slips off the sandwich – we do a quick wipe – but when it dries!! Suddenly we have a keypad where half the keys have to be pressed several times.

So we have grubby, sticky and dusty – that can’t be very hygienic – can it?

There was an article in the Daily Mail last November which said “Mobile phones are seven times dirtier than toilet seats” – so we know where a lot of people take their phones.

And as for the kids devices – we all know where little fingers get to – and where they end up – smeared on screens.

Do you have a regular regimen for cleaning – you should. All the devices will have come with cleaning instructions and there are many proprietary products on the market. Check the stationery cupboard – something in there – at the back possibly? It is well worth the while giving your devices a regular clean – and you’ll feel much better for it – really.


At Applewood IT, we have installed hundreds of systems and resolved countless issues. There is barely a situation we haven’t encountered and a problem we haven’t resolved. If you need help with your current IT systems contact my team on 0203 141 8833. We also offer a FREE audit!


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