Epsom Common Photography Competition @epsomewellbc #epsomcommon
17th June 2014
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2014 marks the 40th anniversary of the founding of the Epsom Common Association and to mark this milestone the association will be holding an Epsom Common Day with support from Epsom & Ewell Borough Council and the Lower Mole Project.  

The event will be held on Sunday 20 July on Stamford Green, Epsom Common from 11:00am to 4:00pm. 

As part of the 40th anniversary, the Association has launched a photographic competition, open to all. 

There are three categories:


  • The landscape of Epsom Common 
  • The animal life of Epsom Common 
  • The plant life of Epsom Common 

There are two entry classes; Under 18 and Open. 

Participants can enter up to two photographs in each category and entries should be in full size digital jpeg format and be sent to:  chairperson@epsomcommon.org.uk  by June 30th.  

Entrants should indicate which class and categories they are entering in their email, with contact details and titles for the images.  An appropriate title can be used for image filenames. 

The committee will judge the entries and the winning entries will be printed and displayed at the Epsom Common Day. 

There will be six prizes with a first prize for each age class of a digital photo frame, and the prints for the runners up will be framed. 

Images submitted may be subsequently used in the Associations’ publicity material  

Epsom Common Association (ECA) was founded in 1974 by a group of local people who cared passionately about the protection and future welfare of Epsom Common. Now, 30 years on, the ECA has over 800 members and more than 30 volunteers, the ECOVOLS, who regularly carry out conservation management tasks on the Common. 

ECA supports the preservation and protection of Epsom Common. They We work in partnership with Epsom & Ewell Borough Council, the Lower Mole Countryside Management Project and English Nature to contribute to the long-term management and conservation of the Common. 


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