Business Rate Payers in Epsom & Ewell – the council need your feedback
28th January 2016
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Epsom & Ewell Borough Council are asking for your feedback as business rate payers in the Borough – Business Ratepayers Consultation. 

The attached DOWNLOAD – shows the council’s Budget and Council Tax Decisions for 2016/17. However the Council does not meet to set the Budget until 11th February.

The Council welcomes feedback on its spending plans and any aspect of the services and support it provides to the business community.

Responses received by 10 February 2016 will be summarised for the Council when it meets on 11 February to set the budget and council tax for 2016/17. Responses after that date will be used to inform future decisions.

Feedback should be sent to


Or by post to the Council at the Town Hall, The Parade, Epsom, Surrey KT18 5BY

Business Rates Consultation

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