We need real accountability for decisions about Deal's future
5th April 2011
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Are the people of Deal aware that a “strategy” for our town is under development?


Dover District Council have engaged London consultants, GVA, to recommend how the town may or may not develop, given the various constraints of landscape, ecology, infrastructure and so on.


I was invited last week to take part in a “consultation” for this ‘uber-plan’ for Deal and I must say I was very disappointed in the process. There were very few local people present – we were outnumbered by the “professionals” – and our opportunity to contribute to the discussion was limited to 40 minutes. Sadly, I came away feeling manipulated and tricked into taking part in a box-ticking exercise.


Deal’s development is far too important to be left to the “experts”. What would Deal be like now if the “experts” had had their way in the 60s? What’s more, the process is wrong. We, the people of Deal, are the current custodians of this town and we, the people of Deal, should have a proper say in how the town is enabled to develop and thrive. The current system relegates us to insignificance and certainly last week’s so-called “consultation” treated us with contempt and disdain.


I would like to know whether others share my outrage at our lack of opportunity to participate meaningfully in decisions about how our own community is to develop. Would your readers please email me at sa.hayman@virgin.net if they would like to join me in demanding a far more meaningful public consultation.

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