Michael Meacher's visit to Deal
6th November 2009
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I went along to hear Michael Meacher speak about the environment in Deal last Friday. It was an interesting evening and he certainly had lots of good information to impart. I liked him and what he had to say.

But I came away thinking we're fools if we rely on governments and bureaucracies to create a decent future for ourselves and our children.

I don't believe they have the policital will to make the difficult decisions necessary to create real change - any of them. I doubt they've even got the ability to figure out how to do it on a large scale. And as Michael Meacher said, the lobbying power of large corporations that benefit from the staus quo is almost invincible.

So we're going to have to do it ourselves at a local level. Alistair Gould spoke about the St Margaret's community's project to make the village carbon neutral. That's what we need. In the absence of national leadership, local leaders from all backgrounds who come forward and galvanise whole communities to create the environment and self-reliance we'll need to get through the massive changes to come.

Deal With It are another great example of people putting their time and effort where their mouth is and emerging as local leaders with vision.

Well done Deal With It!

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