9 Incredible Ways to Stay Clean Even with Pets
11th March 2019
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Having a pet is great! But it’s not always fun. One of the most difficult aspects of having a pet is maintaining hygiene. Some people refuse to have pets in the house purely for hygienic reasons.


Regardless, there are many who have pets and a clean home. There are many ways to keep your home and pet clean and germ-free. The trick is to know the right ones.


After reading this article, you will learn that you can have a clean home and a happy pet at the same time.


Here are some solutions to maintaining hygiene with a pet in the house.


1. Take Care of Your Pet

It is inevitable that your pet will mess up your house. But you can still keep your house clean simply by taking care of your pet.


Trim their Nails

Trimming their nails is important to avoid accidents and scratches. Also, by keeping their nails short, not only will you essentially be avoiding scratched up furniture and claw marks on wooden surfaces, but you will also be minimizing the amount of dirt and germs they bring into the house.


Brush your Pet Regularly

Some people are allergic to pet hair. When dogs shed, it can worsen their allergies.


A good way around this is to brush your pet regularly. This might be time-consuming and tiring.If that is the case, you can get things done by a professional groomer instead.


Wash their Paws

Animals don’t need to bathe as often as us. Some pets, such as dogs should not be washed with shampoo too often. Because it dries out their skin and gives way to different types of skin issues.


Depending on what type of pet you have, you should take up different washing routines. Dirt enters the house when your pet returns home from outdoors. Cleaning their paws can prevent dirt from spreading around your home or leaving stains on your furniture.


Get Pet-friendly Furniture

Pets have a knack for ruining furniture - be it staining the couch or shredding the pillows into pieces.


So, instead of buying a fancy set of furniture and keep having it repaired due to stains and scratches, invest in durable furniture that is pet-friendly.


Pet-friendly furniture will save you from a lot of hassle. They reduce the number of damages on furniture caused by pets.


Look into furniture made of microsuede and microfiber. They are both stain resistant and tough.


Keep Floors and Carpets Clean

Keeping the floors clean is essential in maintaining hygiene in a house with pets. This can be difficult if you have carpeted floors all over your house.


When you find a mess, have it cleaned immediately instead of leaving it for later. Not all carpet cleaners are pet-friendly because of the chemicals, so do your research and get one that will be safe for your furry friend.


Since constant cleaning is required, these specializedcarpet cleaners can save you a lot of time and energy.


Control Where Your Pet is Allowed to Roam Around

Imagine this scenario: You get home after a long day, go to your bedroom, and suddenly you smell feces.


Limiting where you let your pet around the house can prevent finding such ‘surprises’. This also helps you monitor which areas in your house need more attention when you are cleaning.


Furthermore, limiting your pet’s access also prevents dirt from spreading around your rooms. You can achieve this through proper training andby fencing.


2. Take Care of Yourself

When it comes to pets and hygiene, it’s better to be proactive rather than reactive. And it is a known fact that your pet won’t proactively take steps to keep clean.


Therefore, in order to maintain your own personal hygiene with a pet in the house, adapt to an effective routine.


For example, washing your hands regularly after interacting with your pets can significantly improve your personal hygiene and reduce the chances of you getting sick.


3. Use Sheets and Towels

Pets usually have a few places they like to rest on. Spread some sheets or towels over those places.


This will prevent any dirt your pet might be carrying from soiling your floor. Wash the sheets often and spread them over your pooch’s favorite spots again.


4. Separate the Sleeping Areas

Some people let their pet sleep on their bed, but it is quite unhygienic. Remember that your pet may be carrying fleas, germs,and dust.


No matter how much you love them, lay some ground rules and let them sleep separately. Often, you won’t have a chance to clean them before bedtime. In having them sleep separately from you, you are saving yourself from getting sick.


5. Let Some Air Flow

Keeping your doors and windows closed will keep the pet odor inside and at one point, will make your house stinky. Air fresheners cover the smell for a short period of time.


Therefore, you should open up the windows in your home and let fresh air circulate. The fresh air will purify the air in the rooms by replacing bad smell.


Final Thoughts

Keeping a pet is one of the best feelings in the world. Yet, many of us shy away from it because we’re afraid we won’t be able to keep clean.


Millions of people own pets at home and they are loving the experience. Also, even if you don’t have pets at home, you will still have to keep your house clean.


Anyhow, whether you have a pet at home or you’re thinking about it, we hope you could take away some good tips from this article. ­­­



Author Bio:

Author Of this article is a content writer at FeedFond. He’s a doting father not only to his two children but also to his two Golden Retrievers. Check out more of his articles at FeedFond.com.


About the Author

Mandy Bular

Member since: 30th January 2018

Mandy Bular is a freelance content writer. She has written many good and informative articles on different categories such as technology, health, fashion, education, career, travel etc. She is a featured...

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