Colchester’s Napier Road car park finally opens
8th September 2012
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After a lengthy delay and a row over the fate of a tree and a hedge, Colchester’s newest car park opened today on Friday 31st August.


Located to the north of Napier Road, local residents, shoppers and workers will have access to 85 extra spaces, within an easy walking distance of the town centre.


However, it has been a long and drawn out wait, as the car park was meant to have opened in Easter 2011, but was delayed by more than a year due to an argument about a hedge and tree being removed during construction, which weren’t then replaced (no, I can’t quite understand how it could have taken than long to resolve but there you go!)


Martin Hunt is the Colchester councillor in charge of street services and is “thrilled it is open at last.”


Visitors to the car park can park for up to two hours for just £1. Four hours costs £1.50 and longer is priced at £2.50. Overnight parking between the hours of 6pm and 6am costs 50p, whilst an annual season ticket is £500.


A second 35 space car park situated to the south of Napier Road is set to open by the end of 2012.

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Simon J

Member since: 10th July 2012

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