The Surest Way to be Happy - By Ike Pius
13th May 2013
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The Surest Way to be Happy

Happiness: A gift from God

The purpose of this article is to help the reader find happiness in their relationships, marriages, homes, and lives in general. This article will address the following issues proceeding by the following sub-themes:

*Why we must interact

* Happiness is in your hands

* Keeping the smile

So let us proceed with the article, keeping in mind that the intention is not to overawe the reader with fine writing, but to provide helpful information.

*Why we must interact

Apart from a very few people who CLAIM to he happily living solitary lives, the rest of us are naturally social. That means we have a basic instinct to mingle with other people as friends or potential family. While this social behavior has its numerous benefits, it also means that we can sometimes be offended by the comments, actions, or in-actions of the people with whom we must interact. Sometimes we are hurt and suffer for a short while. Other times, it is not such a simple matter. If we let them, these feelings of hurt can rob us of happiness. This is how not to let them.

* Happiness is in your hands

Happiness is a decision that we must make, and a lifestyle we must choose. Happiness is the greatest gift that God has given us, and we must choose to receive. When we make the decision to be happy we become less affected by whatever circumstances we might find ourselves. Even when those around us may hurt us (deliberately or not) we are not plunged into the pit of depression. Letting go of all hurtful feelings is what does the trick.

* Keeping the smile

This is not in any way implying that we can control the words or actions of others. It instead means that we control our reactions. If we decide not to get upset-not to be affected-by peoples actions, even their best efforts to annoy us will be in vain. This is not advocating a snobbish attitude, the meaning here is a forgiving attitude. If we forgive and take no further note of any injury, then we do not carry-even for one second-the burden of a heavy heart. That means we stay happy. Just try it today. Read the following words aloud. "From this moment onwards, I decide to be happy. I will never become angry or bitter by anyone's comments or actions, so help me God." Now that you have made the vow, take deep breaths and enjoy the air of freedom.

Following the above steps will ensure the attainment of a happier, freer, more satisfying life. However, sometimes it may become necessary to remove oneself from the source of the hurt. What that means is that one may need to stay away from otherwise neighborly people who may constantly bring us pain. They may be friends, workmates, schoolmates, boyfriends, girlfriends, family members, or even spouses. This step should only be taken as a last resort-when there is the danger of permanent harm-whether physical or otherwise. A loveless marriage in its self is a permanent harm.

Especially in the case of spouses it will be a wise decision to talk to someone before taking such a step. Talking to a mature, understanding person or a trained professional will help ensure that it is the best decision to take.

Follow the suggestions in this article and happiness is guaranteed! You change your life-like I changed mine-from that of sadness and anger to that of happiness!

Perhaps it is a good idea to recap the information in this lens, you know, just in case I muddled things up with my poor writing.

This is to ensure that you get the idea, or inspiration behind this lens.

1. Happiness is a decision you make. It is not something you get at the supermarket, and so, it has very little to do with your physical possessions.

2. If your "friends" constantly put you off, or bring you down, either with their comments or actions, then it is time to change your friends. Do not be afraid to be different, not going along with the crowd. Just because someone is popular, or pretty, or rich, or whatever, doesn't mean you have to be a door mat for that person to step on at will.

3. Marriage should be a source of joy. I completely understand the attachment that comes with loving someone, but when that person you love becomes a source of pain and anger, then perhaps it is time to call it quits.

4. Spend time with people who appreciate and complement you. The joy that such people bring into our lives is invaluable. And I would much rather spend a minute sharing a few laughs with people who I know to hold me to heart, that spend a whole day with "poison people". Even the bible says: Better a meal of vegetables where there is love than a fattened calf with hatred. Proverbs 15: 17.

5. Gift happiness to others. By gifting happiness to others you become a magnet of happiness, attracting it without effort. Gift a smile to someone around you today! Do something to make someone smile.



Written By Ike Pius. 


About The Author:

Ike Pius has grown from writing and editing low budget radio dramas to the status of author and independent writer. He is also a contributing writer to many online magazines and content sites.


Ike Pius brings an analytical persona into his writing, most of which is intended to criticize society.

He blogs at

His first novel, The Paradise That Was, is currently available for download on HERE


The views of this article are those of the author and do not necessarily express the views of thebestof Cirencester.

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