MLM The traditional way
17th February 2010
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MLM The Traditional Way

If your network marketing company is more than five years old, chances are that there are some people in your upline who have made a vast sum of money using traditional methods of approach.

HomeInternetWorker Blueprint for Success

In a nutshell, the traditional approach involves contacting your friends and family first, creating your warm list, telling everyone about your MLM (using what’s called the ‘three foot rule’), networking in person at seminars and other events, buying leads and cold-calling, and selling yourself as a person with whom prospects want to do business.

Most people who have been in an MLM for more than a couple of weeks have tried the traditional approach, and report varying levels of success. Some people feel very confident on the telephone and are able to build a great business buying leads and converting prospects from cold calls. Others struggle with it, and feel downcast when they don’t achieve the success that they see in their upline.

If you face difficulties with the traditional method don’t think this means that you should abandon these methods completely. There are countless tools available to teach you how to prospect successfully over the telephone, to hold great conference calls and to sell yourself as a person.

The HomeInternetWorker Blueprint for Success combines traditional with modern approaches to marketing your MLM business. If you position yourself as a leader and begin to attract the types of people that you’d like to bring into your business, you’ll find you never run out of leads. It can help to set yourself targets for how many leads you want to attract. Aim for a modest amount in the first instance, like ten leads per day, and work up to a mid-term goal of fifty leads per day.

Find out more about how you can use traditional methods as part of a successful marketing strategy at

William Debauchez
Author of ” The MLM blueprint”
Founder of
Attraction marketing and lead generation expert

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