Debt Management Service
2nd June 2010
... Comments

 " At Professional Wealthcare, we put a lot of time and effort into helping people to manage their wealth.

 However, not everyone is in this fortunate position and I am pleased to offer a service designed to help those who are in debt to get back on their feet.

 So, if you know anyone who is:

  • Unable to repay their debts
  • Struggling to cover essential living costs
  • Running up late payment and interest charges
  • Receiving threatening phone calls or letters from creditors

 Ask them to give me a call and I can put them in touch with someone who will:

  • Listen carefully and understand their debt problems
  • Provide free confidential help and advice suited to personal circumstances
  • Explain the debt solutions available and determine which solution is the most suitable".

 Please note that this is a referral service to a trusted debt solutions company.

Contact Barry Sears on: 01276 517700 or




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