Business Networking goals 2011
7th February 2011
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The New Year brings forth promise of a bright future as torches of faith are lit to business growth and success.

The question we should ask ourselves as we are making admirable plans, are whether our actions match our goals? That is do we walk the walk and talk the talk? So, for example, do you do an adequate amount of networking and prospecting that corresponds to the amount of business you expect to come in?

Please take a moment to consider your 2011 goals to see if they match up.

Ask yourself this question....What do I want for my business in 2011? Write a figure next to the following questions:


Total projected turnover for 2011                                                     [£££s]

Total projected value of referrals from networking for 2011                [£££s]

(portion of total prospecting activity- some get all their business from networking)                                

Days per week invested in networking activity                                   days [x]

Total days per year invested in networking activity                            days [x]


Does the level of time investment in networking activity correspond to the value of referrals you are expecting to get? For example if your entire business marketing strategy is from networking, do you think say 12 half days or 6 full days a year is likely to bring in the level of turnover you are expecting?

Like anything there should be appropriate time spent on an activity for the corresponding return on time and money investment, so there may be a case to spend more time on networking than you currently are doing in line with your turnover goals.

Rita Hemraj is Regional Director for Athena North London, planning a Visitor’s Event March 9th 2011 celebrating International Women’s Day in conjunction with London Digital PR. For more info see

About the Author

Rita H

Member since: 19th April 2011

The Athena Network facilitates structured networking meetings for professional business women. Members recognise that networking is a critical factor in the growth & development of their business....

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