Twitter etiquette - twittering the right thing
7th September 2009
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There are several mistakes you can make if you are going to have a committed presence on Twitter. The most common amongst the business community is the "mass market" approach. This user follows and is followed by thousands. The Twitters however are all straight selling or website links. This user clearly has no interest in anyone else and they are not interested in him either. This is a waste of time all round.

The second mistake is made by the technogeeks and gameheads. All these users ever tweet about is their narrow field of interest. At best they will only mingle with other technogeeks. No one else will be interested in them.

The "daily grinders" give a running commentary on their day. "I'm getting up", "I'm having breakfast", "I'm going to the toilet now". To the more inquisitive this may appeal, but it doesn't do anything to promote your business.

The trick is to be a "genuinely interested" tweeter. respond to other people's tweets, particularly if you can offer help and advice. Tweet links occasionally, but make them sound appealing and interesting, of use to the reader. Do tweet if you're going something interesting, but avoid giving running commentaries.

Be subtle in selling your business. Do point out what you can offer occasionally, but avoid a string of adverts, as no one will read them. Offer free helpful, useful and interesting stuff as often as you can. At least every other Tweet should have some entertainment value. There are resources out there to help if you find this a struggle.

Aim to build RELATIONSHIPS with your targeted tweeters - networkers and potential clients. If people feel they know you and like you, they will be more interested in both your words and your wares.

Do re-tweet (RT) other people's tweets - this is considered polite and helpful, and spreads their contacts further. Don't re-tweet everything, but just the odd one that you yourself think is informative and entertaining.

To sum up, sell your wares embedded in useful, interesting and entertaining information. You will end up with a powerful worldwide network of contacts.

About the Author


Member since: 26th April 2012

I am a fully qualified and experienced hypnotherapist, Reiki practitioner and Stress Counsellor, based in Undercliffe, Bradford. I am proud to be a volunteer therapist for Bradford Cancer Support

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