Outsourced Credit Control - get your invoices paid on time
28th May 2010
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Outsourced Credit Control – What is it and how does it work?

No matter how large or small your business is your customers sometimes pay late. Given the current climate they are often waiting to get paid themselves. Why should your cash flow be affected?

Keep your clients smiling and your cash flowing by allowing Liquid Recovery to be your credit control department. We will ensure that your invoices are paid on time and we act as credit control department – i.e. calling from your company (although we don’t have to be there physically). The relationship is maintained with the client and you get more business and improved cash flow.

To find out more email jan@liquidrecovery.co.uk


About the Author

Jan B

Member since: 8th May 2012

Hi. I'm Jan. Married with two lovely daughters. Have very little spare time as my second job is a taxi service taking them to various activities every weekday evening and on Saturdays (not complaining...

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