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Sport News & Updates

The Best of Northampton is planning the launch of an elite monthly breakfast Networking Club. 50 founder members are required for the first event on Tuesday 18th May 2010.
The LOVE of Cyclelife
The LOVE of Cyclelife
Cyclelife, Wellingborough are the 4th most loved cycle shop in the UK! They've got great quality bikes, cycle accessories, with an offer on cycle clothing!
New years resolution!
New years resolution!
I've joined Bannatynes Health Club and had my Gym Induction!
The Cobblers and The Saints
The Cobblers and The Saints
Northampton should be proud of its sporting achievements. The Cobblers and The Saints are doing us proud.
We've heard the headlines about our local F1 circuit's future being secured for the next 17 years, but what does it mean to Brackley
Silverstone Circuit received it's biggest boost today after a seventeen year deal was signed by the Circuit and Bernie Eccleston.
Silverstone can carry on leading the way in world class Grand Prix after this momentous seventeen year deal boost
world cup draw
world cup draw
England draw the USA in world cup finals
Brackley celebrates Brawn GP F1 sucess with an open-top bus parade through town
Brackley - the world class F1 town does it again!
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