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Aston Knight are your local Solicitors with a National reach!
Drivers in the region who have been convicted for using mobile phones in cases where they weren’t being used to communicate could have new grounds for an appeal following a landmark case.
The family of divorcees could lose their entire inheritance to their relative's former spouse as a result of just one error in the divorce papers, a leading solicitor has claimed.
Wirral start-ups and SMEs looking for sources of funding need to think carefully before signing personal guarantees, according to a leading corporate lawyer.
A Wirral solicitor is urging those paying for holidays, furniture, cars or other expensive items to pay at least in part by credit card as people prepare to spend on holidays and home improvements this Easter.
April doesn’t just herald the start of a new financial year; it brings with it Spring Red Tape Day too. From April 6, new legislation will come into force which affects businesses of all sizes – and the penalties can be severe for those that don’t fall into line.
A leading Solicitors for the Elderly member is urging people to check their eligibility for a lasting power of attorney (LPA) fee refund, after it emerged that many were overcharged by the Office of the Public Guardian.
Franchising in today's society is big business, and although once it was seen as a direction for just larger businesses, more and more smaller companies are taking the leap into expansion.
Are you aware that an unhappy employee could take your business to court? - costing your business high court costs, time and stress.
Although we hope Christmas will be a disaster free and relaxing time for you, here’s a few numbers you may need in case something does go wrong.
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