Wedding Venues in North West

Find the best Wedding Venues in North West as recommended by local North West people in thebestof North West's Wedding Venues directory.
Wedding Venues in North West
Village Hotel Bury
Village Hotel Bury is one of the North West's most popular choices for hotels, offering an outstanding range of facilities including meeting rooms and a state of the art gym.
Harrison Edge said
Came to the gym recently and Tyler was a massive help. He shown me around the gym and was there for any extra help I required. Fantastic service from the gym team, will definitely recommend to others
The Riverside
The Riverside is the perfect venue for any special occasion and is a popular choice for customers in Rossendale and across the North West.
Lisa K said
Luke and I wanted to thank you and all the staff for organising our wedding reception earlier this month.
Thanks for dressing the room, it looked beautiful and the afternoon tea was delicious!
We would definitely recommend the venue to people
Thanks again
Love from
Mr and Mrs Sampson
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