16th January 2014
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Here are a collection of some of the strangest laws and facts about York and Britain's bigone eras

1. The phrase "RULE OF THUMB" came from an old English law which stated that a husband could not beat his wife with anything wider than his thumb... I know we at the bestofyork will now think twice before using that phrase again. Glad to say that law has now been abolished.


2. It IS legal for a male to URINATE in public, so long as it is on the rear wheel of his vehicle and he also has his right hand on his vehicle. REMEMBER this next time you are need of a tinkle


3. NOW for national defence... all Englishmen over the age of 14 must carry out two hours of longbow practice a day. It's a national security thing. I have to say... we may be neglecting this one now ;)


4. It is still illegal for a cab in the City of London to carry rabid dogs or corpses. I MEAN COME ON... POLITICAL CORRECTNESS GONE MAD... Oh, and it's also illegal to flag down a taxi if you have the plague, so be warned. All I can say is Thank god these laws don't directly apply to York so if you are suffering from the bubonic plague, feel free to step into a corpse filled cab driven by a rabbid dog


5. FINALLY, from York itself... my favourite law of any one across the world. Did you know, It is Legal for a man to murder a Scotsman within York's ancient city walls with a longbow, on any day that isn's Sunday, if the Scotsmen is carrying a bow and arrow. So any Scots who reside in York.. beware.

About the Author

thebestof York

Member since: 10th June 2012

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