Top 5 fitness hacks (by a fitness freak)
14th February 2016
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For all you losing the novelty of your January gym membership, but with summer on the horizon... We're here to give you a hand to get that beach body. (Although there is no substitute for hard work)

1. Water: drinking water before bed and the second you wake up speeds your metabolism up and allows you to burn fat during the day and in your sleep. In the past I have recommended doing a morning run/gym session after drinking water in the morning but before eating. This means you start the day on negative calories and get your workout done early.

2. Supplements. WHAT IS A SUPPLEMENT? IS IT BAD? WILL IT MAKE ME ILL? NOOOOO I strongly advise the use of dietary supplements to build muscle and lose fat. For men looking for that extra bit of muscle I suggest creatine before a workout (great for muscular endurance) and Whey protein powder for after. If you are after "mass" use a protein shake with added carbohydrate for extra calories.

For ladies looking to naturally lose weight. FORGET FAT BURNERS.. these are bad for you. Use diet protein shakes post exercises to replace vitamins and electrolytes as well as give you a protein hit. Also use naturally occurring dietary supplements such as CLA, Green tea, and L-Carnitine.

3. Workout tips. MIX IT UP. I'm sure you'll be getting bored of your regime by now so look to mix up your programme. If you are doing a cardio based plan (looking to lose weight) add in core excercises such as AB ROLL OUTS, light weights sessions, swimming and interval training to improve muscle tone and fitness. Just running on a treadmill doesnt work for most people, you have to mix it up. Use a TRX band and try gym classes such as boxing to shake things up

If you are on a weights based programme then look to introduce plyometrics and explosive power work. This will improve your strength as well as your muscle tone. Similarly use body weight excercises (Pull ups, Muscle ups, TRX work, One leg squats)

4. Diet tips. YOU DONT HAVE TO CUT OUT CARBS. On a training day I suggest 2 carb based meals and 1 non carb based. On a non-training day I suggest 1 carb based meal and 2 non carb based. Mix it up though, use sweet potato, brown pasta and rice etc. Likewise if at all possible, pre prepare your meals, it reduces the temptation to cheat.

Be careful with how you cook things, look to grill and cut down the use of oil and butter. Similarly don't be afraid to try new things because chicken and veg is going to get boring. I will do recipe ideas for next week however you cant go wrong by sticking to your superfoods (Broccoli, Avocado, Tomato, Spinach). Use low cal fry sprays if you need to fry, and add twists to your blander meals... honey and chilli work a treat

5. Enjoy. If you're hating your new diet or your workouts, then mix it up. DO things you enjoy. If you are bored of cardio on your own then play 5-a side football or hockey or rugby. Join a running club. ITS EASIER WITH FRIENDS. 

Similarly if you're hating your diet then mix it up. Use new ingredients; shellfish are packed full of vitamins, try vegetarian foods and maybe a meat free monday (yes thats a thing), introduce healthy snacking; NUTS, BILTONG (dried south african beef), JERKY, FRUIT. But you have to enjoy what you eat... So stay tuned for recipes, but keep it up in the mean time.

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