Jean Parris-Attfield from JPA Health Squad
22nd October 2010
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We love to shout about our companies here on thebestofworthing and let you know about all the good things they are doing.

Jean Parris-Attfield of JPA Health Squad has gone from strength to strength. Now working with Jeremy Kyle she has even been featured in the latest Worthing Herald. Here Jean tells us a little more about her story and why she is so passionate about what she does.


It's not easy being over weight but we are becoming a nation of people who live to eat not eat to live.


I've been there tipping the scales in 1997 when my daughter was born. I ate everything even the cat looked nervous. I was 9 stone 7 when I became pregnant and ballooned to 17 stone on the day of her birth.


It was only when at a wedding reception two weeks after her birth wearing a size 18 dress when a lady remarked that I hadn't got long to go, bless! At that point I decided training was back on the agenda and that's when I decided to get fit and help others.


It took me over a year to reduce my bulk (if you can call it that) but it never went on again.


Taekwondo was my love so I became qualified and started my business, which took a while to take off as small businesses do. It's not easy but I cover everyone from children, post and pre natal, sport specific and older adults as my belief is if people want to train does it matter what age?


Size 12 used to be the norm for a woman, now its size 16-18 and why? well we all over eat!


I love my job with a passion, and have helped many other people over the years to change their lives installing self confidence and belief. Training can be fun and with the right motivation they will succeed!


I'm not scarey but I will endeavour to see that goals are met, because if they fail, I fail and that is not an option.


So that's me really, married, two children and someone that can help change a society that loves food. Everything is ok to eat, however in MODERATION.


Nutrition, personal training and sports therapy are my subjects and anyone can achieve what they want if they put their minds to it. Well, as long as they can put up with me (I talk lots only coming up for air on occasions!)


All I want is to give them their life back.



JPA Health Squad

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