Resolution inspiration?
10th December 2015
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Let's make 2016 a good one with some attainable goals.

Set targets that aren't so daunting, and that are actually achievable!

  • Sleep more! It's not always easy to get those golden 8 hours a night. But do what you can; you'll probably feel better and it can reduce the risk of heart attacks, diabetes and obesity.
  • Drink more water. There are so many pluses to drinking the recommended 2 litres of water a day. Including, clearer skin, improved kidney function, fighting tiredness, and even pain.
  • Spend more time with the family. Granted you'll need a well earned break from them all after the Christmas period..However, studies show spending time with close ones can improve children's academic performance, strengthens bonds, and decreases lonliness.
  • Save money. Start the New Year off well with the £5 challenge. Try not to spend more than that (or a lower amount) in a day. Keep yourself accountable by particpating with others.
  • Quit smoking. It's cliche, but other than the huge health benefits, you''ll save money! Even if it's the one resolution you set. If you're not ready to go cold turkey, try cutting down.
  • Eat more fruit. Don't overwhelm yourself with a complete lifestyle change straight after the gorging of the festive period. Try adding a couple more pieces of fruit to your day; much more tasty than veg!
  • Increase your daily activity. Take the stairs, ride your bike instead of the bus, park in the spot furthest away, chase the kids/dog round the garden! Keep it simple and you won't even realise the exercise. 
  • Clean your space. Take time out of the week to really get into it! All that stretching, lifting, and hoovering can be a really good workout. If you haven't worn in for more than 6 months, take it to the charity shop! A bit of organisation can really lift the mood. If your space is too big, hire someone else to do it! We highly recommend Devaltan Hygiene Solutions.
  • Be polite. If you're not already, remember your manners with other people; they'll probably return the favour! Good manners are attractive and can open doors (no pun intended).
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