Westminster Schemes Awarded for Their Innovative Designs
29th June 2010
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Two world famous projects which helped to transform Central London have been officially honoured with major awards. These awards were given in recognition of the significant improvement the projects have made, making it easier for both pedestrians and motorists to travel.

The iconic Oxford Circus diagonal X-crossing is the largest of its kind in Europe and was praised by judges for its "articulated design intent which demonstrated excellence in accessibility, inclusiveness and equality". The project, which won the Urban Design Award, was implemented by Westminster City Council in conjunction with TFL and The Crown Estate.

Alongside this fantastic achievement the UK Supreme Court also won the Security in the Public Realm award. Judges chose the court in recognition of it's deliverance of security with a sympathetic approach, as well as it's effective design and planning.

Westminster City Council Cabinet Member for Parking and Transportation, Cllr Lee Rowley said: "These awards are a positive reminder of the pioneering work being conducted in Westminster. It's a credit to the highw

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