Core Strategy Set To Shape Westminster's Future
10th August 2010
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A plan that will help to shape the future of Westminster and affect local life will be put forward in a series of public meetings. The 20 year plan is called the Core Strategy and aims to make Westminster a "living city" where both businesses and families can flourish.

Core Strategy will focus on a diverse range of issues that affect the local area including sustainable design, affordable housing and preserving our rich architectural heritage. It also seeks to recognise Westminster's contribution to London's world city status whilst still balancing of 230,000 residents and 50,000 businesses.

Managing the pressures in the run up to the London 2012 Olympics is also a key role for the strategy, as well encouraging much needed investment and regeneration. The public meetings will also cover issues such as waste management and future developments in Paddington, Victoria and Tottenham Court Road.

Cllr Robert Davis, Westminster City Council's Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member Built Environment, said: "Westminster contains unique and distinctive buildings such as Buckingham Palace, the Houses of Parliament and Westminster Abbey and our neighbourhoods such as Soho, Mayfair and the West End are known throughout the UK – if not the World.

"Without a clear vision and detailed understanding of our needs, the standing of our city would diminish, our residents and businesses would have no clear direction for the future and our economy would suffer.

"Our policy framework has allowed our city to thrive and flourish during the good times and sheltered us from the worst of the storm in the bad. The Core Strategy unashamedly starts with this historic context, but also takes the opportunity to build on it wherever possible to better equip us for the future".

"The document recognises that one of Westminster’s most notable characteristics is a city that is constantly being renewed and improved."

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