Poverty in retirement. How to bridge the gap
11th July 2012
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Would you like to review your pension arrangements to get a better understanding of where you currently stand?

With so much bad press around pensions and the income you can expect in retirement, you can’t afford to ignore the situation.

This article explains how many of today’s workers expect to be worse off in retirement. This doesn’t have to be the case.


A free review of all your previous and current pension arrangements will put you in a much clearer place, so you can make decisions now to achieve the retirement you would like.

If you have left old employer schemes or stopped paying in to your personal pensions over the years:

  • When was the last time you looked at these statements? 
  • What will these provide you with in retirement? 
  • Do you know what fees you are being charged?

 We can help you get answers for all of these questions and help you plan for a better retirement.

We are helping and supporting people all over the UK in making the right decisions about their future, be it their pensions or investments.

Contact us for further information - enquiries@optimus-wealth.com


About the Author

Graeme W

Member since: 14th June 2012

Pension-led funding is a real alternative to traditional business lending. Find out how it can provide working capital for your business.

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