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Rio Driving School, Walsall

My driving test was an experience that was made much easier through the lessons I had with Gary from Rio. I found every lesson very enjoyable and was taught all the skills required to pass first time. The guidance and advice received during lessons made everything much easier to understand and helped me make the right decision in different situations. Through the use of mock tests I could experience what the real test would feel like and I felt very prepared for it as the feedback that was given was a way of helping me improve and highlighted what the examiner was looking for in every situation. I would highly recommend Gary from Rio as from my own experience the long and stressful task of learning to drive can be made very enjoyable and a lot easier through having such an good and well experienced instructor by your side every step of the way. The driving skills learnt will be with you for the rest of your time on the road and best learned from Gary at Rio.