A Child's Sight
13th February 2012
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All children under the age of 16 are entitled to a free NHS sight test. As 80% of your child’s learning is done through their eyes the ability to see clearly is important to development. It is actually recommended that children have their first sight test before they reach school age.

About 10% of children have defects of their eyes such as a “squint” and 3% have “crossed eyes”. These conditions are usually first apparent when the child is tired or ill. The two main components of normal vision are good eyesight and the ability to use the two eyes together, known as binocular vision.  Children learn these two skills in the first 6 years or so of life, after the age of 6 it is no longer possible for children to pick them up. Any interference with this learning process due to one or both of your child’s eyes being faulty can seriously and permanently impair the development of normal vision.

The first step the ensuring healthy eyes is to book a sight test (the ability to read is not necessary). We recommend that the first sight test is conducted around the age of 4. If the child requires spectacles we advise that regular 6 monthly examinations are necessary so that progress can be assessed and any need for adjustment to the prescription or frame can be carried out.

Early correction means a child can enjoy a life of normal vision. The examination at the age of 4 is therefore perhaps the most important visit to the optometrist anyone can make.

For more information, call Kelcher Optometrists in Walsall on 01922 412040

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