Michael Morpurgo and War Horse Joey
7th March 2014
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Michael Morpurgo joined forces with Joey, the horse puppet star of War Horse, to help promote the 'Home Lad Home - The War Horse Story' exhibition at St. Barbe Museum & Art Gallery in Lymington.

The museum was delighted to welcome Michael Morpurgo and Joey, together with students from Priestlands School for this unique event. The exhibition at St. Barbe Museum & Art Gallery tells the story of the vital role that horses played during the First World War as cavalry mounts, carrying supplies and pulling ambulances and artillery.

Bringing Michael Morpurgo and Joey to Lymington for the event was a fantastic coup for the museum and all those involved in the exhibition, and Priestlands' students who took part in the youth art project, local residents and supporters of the museum all experienced a truly special day in their company. The exhibition, curated by Dr. Gill Clarke MBE and Steve Marshall, features paintings by artists Lucy Kemp Welch, Cecil Aldin, Edwin Noble and Lionel Edwards and runs until the 26th April.

About the Author

Juliet T

Member since: 18th February 2014

A proud New Forest resident

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