Storehouse Foodbank
Storehouse Foodbank
  • Vineyard Centre, Tudor Road. Sudbury, Suffolk, CO10 1NP.
    CO10 1NP
storehouse foodbank




 storehouse foodbank


As a church that loves its community we are keen to offer more than a prayer when we find a neighbour who has hit rock bottom.

We started Storehouse around the same time we started this church, in September 2007. Today we have fed thousands of local people in crisis in Sudbury and the surrounding areas in south Suffolk. And we will continue to do so for as long as we are needed.

how does it work?

We give emergency food bags to families and individuals through a referral system, partnering with a growing number of agencies in Sudbury and the surrounding areas. They hold our Food Request Slips, which they give to their clients, so that they can visit one of our Drop-ins

where can I get a request slip?

You can get a request slip from any of the organisations listed below. Or call the Town Hall 01787 371331 option 1.


Job Centre
Catch 22

Open House

Turning Point
Social Services
Genesis Housing

Mental Health Services

Your local church

Children’s centres
Orwell Housing


Pick up a Food Request Slip from one of these fine organisations and they can refer you to us. You will then able to pick up an emergency bag on a Tuesday or Friday afternoon between 1-3pm. Simple as that. No strings attached. But with a lot of love.

Social Interaction