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Wedding Venues in Nailsworth

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Wedding Venues in Nailsworth
Egypt Mill Hotel and Restaurant in The Cotswolds
The Egypt Mill Hotel in Nailsworth - for the perfect Stroud Cotswolds Wedding Venue - beautiful gardens and amazing public rooms - Egypt Mill even has it's very own working water wheel! With delightful public areas, stunning bedrooms and beautiful grounds including a mill race - The Egypt Mill Hotel is a truly memorable Cotswolds Wedding Venue.
Fiona B said
Having known Egypt Mills since my childhood, it is such a joy to come back and see how it has changed so much. What a STUNNING VENUE with not only history and nostalgia but with an added twist of a contemporary feel within the bar, restaurant, event facilities and all 32 bedrooms. I can not recommend Egypt Mills more highly. Family friendly and staff that always welcome you with a smile & excellent service.
Source: thebestof.co.uk
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Egypt Mill Hotel and Restaurant in The Cotswolds
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