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What scientists predicted we would all have in our homes ...
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang not allowed to appear in Norwich's parade
It's time for the annual Stamford Festival again, starting on Saturday June 27th, with the Stamford and District Kiwanis parade this year with a myths and legends theme .There's a family fun day on the recreation ground on June 28th (organised by the L
RUTLAND and Melton's MP Alan Duncan apparently claimed for the same piece of furniture twice, according to The Times.They said that Mr Duncan submitted the claim for a £267.90 table top in his constituency twice - first in November 2004 and again the f
Unearthed under a road being built for the 2012 Olympics is an ancient burial pit containing 45 severed skulls plus a tange of torsos and limbs. Thought to be a mass war grave dating back to Roman times, archaeologists excavating the site don't yet know
Fox steals shoes for cubs
Fox steals shoes for cubs
According to Reuters, a fox has been found the culprit behind a spate of footwear thefts in a small Western German town recently. The stolen horde was stumbled upon by a forest worker, who found between 110 and 120 shoes strewn around the entrance a
I'm sure most of you have heard about our next networking event which is on 22nd June at Finnan's Brasserie. We're running this one in conjunction with the Stamford Chamber of Trade and we've been busy phoning around and inviting people to come along.
A free taster exhibition has been held at the Victoria Hall in Oakham for the annual Rutland Open Studios event, which runs from 20th June to 5th July. There was a huge assortment of pieces on display from traditional paintings to textiles, jewellery
Grimsthorpe Castle had to call out the bomb squad on Tuesday after a live handgrenade was found in a field near the main entrance. The rusty and soil encrusted grenade was identified as a second world war Mills grenade by the Nottingham bomb squad wh
I was so upset to read a week or so ago that one of the keeper's at The Lion Man's wildlife reserve Zion at Whangarei in New Zealand had been mauled to death by one of the tigers. We knew that Craig Busch was no longer involved in the day to day runn
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