News & Updates
Business News & Updates

Planning problems
Virtual Administration goes international working with Sierra College in Rocklin, California, providing audio podcasts and live webinars chatting with the students about running a VA business in the UK.
Are you an entrepreneur running your own small business, would you like to have your say on the issues you are facing I the current economic climate?
August Resolution
August Resolution
Rested after your holiday. Resolved to sort your life out
Business is buzzing
Business is buzzing
Business is buzzing at The Quadrant, the Parkway-based business centre, Sheffield, where four new tenants have just moved in boosting local jobs and keeping the occupancy rate well above 90%.
What is a Virtual PA
What is a Virtual PA
Virtual PA offers business administration support remotely with the option of working in your office. It is becoming the most cost effective and efficient way to provide administration support. On a regular weekly or monthly basis or for one off projects.
A series about how to grow your business - from your attitude and approach to the more practical details about your marketing plan and selling techniques
The heart break of why shops in student areas fold
Neurocare, the Sheffield based registered charity for patients with neurological and neurosurgical problems are holding a 'once in a lifetime' opportunity.
The second skill that marks out those people who progress in careers compared to those who get stuck is communication. Sometimes people who are clearly intelligent, articulate and can put together a coherent argument are told their communication skills
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