Women's Institute Bilton (Rugby)
The Sacred Heart Church Hall, Limetree Avenue, Bilton, Rugby, CV22 7QT
Women's Institute Cawston Grange Lite
Cawston Grange School, Scholars Drive, Cawston, Rugby, CV22 7GU
Women's Institute Clifton-upon-Dunsmore (Rugby)
The Townsend Memorial Hall, High Street, Clifton-upon-Dunsmore, Rugby, CV23 0BH
Women's Institute Hillmorton Paddox  (Rugby)
Hillmorton Paddox Methodist Church, Dunsmore Avenue, Rugby, CV22 5HD
Women's Institute Regent, Rugby
The Regent Room, The Rugby Baptist Church, Regent Place, Rugby, CV21 2PJ
Women's Institute, Dunchurch and Thurlaston, Rugby
Women's Institute Hall, Southam Road, Dunchurch, Rugby, CV22 6NG
Wooden Spoon
115-118 Fleet Road, Fleet, Hampshire, GU51 3PD
Woodland Trust
The Woodland Trust, Kempton Way, Grantham, NG31 6LL
Woodlands Post Office
49 Cymbeline Way, Rugby, Warwickshire, CV22 6JZ
Zoe's Place Baby Hospice
Easter Way, Ash Green, Coventry, , CV7 9JG
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