It's Halloween month!
5th October 2009
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Now children, does anyone know which festival is fast approaching? Anyone?

Yes that's right, at the end of October, witches are abroad..

And then when they get back from their holidays, it's Halloween!

The children I know are already talking about Halloween and (slightly less so yet) Bonfire Night... For many of us that means pots of black paint and double sided stickly tape miraculously transforming the everyday into costumes of myths and legend.
The school disco will be a great treat for them to look forward to with a bit of healthy competition and envy at the other children's costumes. And accusations the following morning that Callum Fairweather's outfit was really cool and way better.

Joker's Masquerade online fancy dress shop stocks thousands of costumes and fancy dress accessories and deliver throughout Richmond upon Thames. To recommend a fancy dress shop in the area please contact us.


The first event I can find listed is this story-telling shop for little ones - if you know of anything else, let us know here at The Best of Richmond:

Story Explorers Richmond Halloween...
Story Explorers is opening in a new premises in Richmond this Autumn. Story Workshops for 2-5 year olds will be running in a fantastic space at the back of a new toy and book shop. Each week there is a different theme for the workshops and the stories and play link to the theme. Themes for this term include teddies, boats, Halloween and penguins.
Address: 18 St Marys Grove, Richmond. TW9 1UY
Phone: 07748592842

I'd love to share more events, ideas and suggestions with you all, so please feel free to email me at to tell us of any that deserve a mention.

If your school is organising anything, or you have an age-old recipe that actually makes Pumpkin Pie taste good (our pumpkins got eaten by bugs on the vegetable patch - yuk), then let me know. And don't forget to keep an eye on our Richmond Events and Members Offers pages nearer the time for great activities and offers.

Regards, Silas Van Der Bas

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