Think Like A Genius - Use All of Your Brain
27th January 2011
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Article Provided by Miriam McCallum of McCallum Associates.

The whole field of NLP is quite simply based upon the question “what is the difference that makes the difference?” Why are some people amazingly talented and gifted and achieve extraordinary things while others just get by?

This is itself a controversial question and rather than go into all the arguments supporting the idea that some people are more gifted – NLP asks you to pause your thinking and consider the possibility that it might be possible. As a psychologist, I am fascinated by this kind of thinking and considering because it opens your mind (temporarily, at first!) to new understandings and possibilities. This is what NLP is all about.

One of the core presuppositions ( of the concepts you are invited to “consider”) of NLP is:
“If it is possible for someone else, then it is possible for me”

A great example of this thinking is an extraordinary book called “ How to think like Leonardo da Vinci” by Michael Gelb – in which  he models da Vinci and explores 7 strategies – the Seven da Vincian principles and he argues these are the elements of genius that can be developed.  If you want to cultivate your sense of genius – da Vinci is a pretty good model! This is a beautiful book and a wonderful example of a modelling project, in addition, Gelb encapsulates many of the principles and approaches within NLP.

On our NLP Practitioner programme – everyone completes a modelling project and you get to choose your own model and subject area.

How to think like Leonardo da Vinci: - The 7 Principles

1. Curiosita – a sense of curiosity, questioning what everyone else takes for granted. Being open to new ideas.
Are you asking the right questions? Are these questions giving you new information?

2. Dimostrazione – a sense of learning, exploring and experimenting, a willingness to learn from mistakes.
How can you learn from your mistakes and develop greater flexibility in your thinking?

3. Sensazione – continuous refinement of all the senses.
How can you sharpen all of your senses – seeing, hearing, feeling, smelling and tasting – instead of “thinking” or overusing one of your senses?

4. Sfumato – the ability to embrace paradox, uncertainty and ambiguity.
How can you develop your ability to embrace ambiguity? Life is full of paradoxes – can you develop a sense of holding the space for 2 conflicting thoughts or possibilities at the same time?

Consider this Buddhist quote:
“Act as if the universe depends on everything that you do, while at the same time, laugh at yourself for thinking that anything you could do would make no difference whatsoever”

5. Arte/Scienza – the development of “whole brain” thinking by balancing creativity and logic.
How can you balance art and science in your work? In your home? In your thinking?

6. Corporalita – the development of grace, poise and fitness.
How can you nurture the connectedness of body and mind?

7. Connessione – this is “systems thinking”
How can you develop a sense of connecting to outside of you? To the wider system? How does what you do relate to the wider community?
So overall, the idea here is if you cultivate these latent talents – if you explore utilising your mind a little more “fully” – you will see things differently and be open to new possibilities. This is key in solving problems, resolving conflicts, achieving more success …and having a more fulfilled life …well, that has good to be good for us, hasn’t it?

Learning how to model is core to NLP – what you decide is entirely up to you!

If you are interested in learning more – please visit

Next NLP Practitioner Course is April 2011 – there is an early bird discount if booked before 31st January 2011

The next Introduction to NLP one day seminar will be Friday 4th Feb 2011

About the Author

Dawn R

Member since: 9th July 2012

Working in the world of marketing and communications, I have a real passion for helping people and businesses become the best that they can be. And whilst working hard is of course important – I believe...

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