Newbury in The Snow
6th January 2010
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Sometimes in life we take ourselves just too seriously, so today, instead of sitting infront of the PC all day, or driving around in the car, I decided to take my husband, the dog and daughter out for a midday walk.

I'd forgotten how much fun snow can be, it started with my daughter throwing snowballs for the dog to chase (Very funny - the dog couldn't understand where they disappeared to as they splated on the ground) and ended up in a full blown snowball fight between everyone. The girls ganged up and my poor husband got very cold and wet indeed, with snowballs launched from every direction and the poor dog not knowing which way to run!

We also managed to take just the most fabulous pictures which just reminded me what a diverse town Newbury is; we have a great town centre, which is the only town to my knowledge going through massive improvement and we have just stunning countryside that is just picturesque (especially right now)

So do yourself a favour while you've got an excuse. Leave your car behind, pull on your wellie boots and enjoy experiencing whats on your doorstep - I can't remember the last time I had such fun ;-)

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