Chris'S Profile
Chris B
Member since: 12th February 2013
Last login: 21st January 2015
Hometown: Lichfield
Hi, I'm Chris, Head of Making things work at brokenStones in Lichfield.

Along with my trusty Border Collie, Donald, we take on the worlds I.T. problems (well in truth there's a few more people that work for me, but when you come to our offices Donald will ALWAYS be the first to greet you! and for a biscuit or two, he'll fix most Computer problems too!).

Seriously though, at brokenStones we specialise in making I.T. work for you and your business. Rather than go in to detail here abotu everything we do, give us a call or pop in for a chat... if it's to do with a computer, we can usually help - Just search for 'brokenstones' on the BestOf !