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Animal Free Research UK, Hitchin

The cruelty involved in using animals to test drugs and products is totally unacceptable in the 21st century. DHT research alternatives to this. Millions of animals are tortured with very little cures for anything as the outcome. Many experiments are repeated time and time again just so a new student can try them even though they have been proven worthless. I first heard about DHT when a friend asked me to sign a petition. Being an animal lover I knew a few people who would sign but what truly amazed me was the amount of people who asked to sign. People where actually knocking on my door to sign becasue they had heard I knew of an alternative to vivisection! I filled 20 sheets x 20 signatures per sheet in a matter of days with hardly any effort on my part. This really was an eye opener for me as I did not realise the amount of people who want an end to vivisection. within a few years the DHT will be a household name in the UK and possibly in the world because they are about compassion and that cannot be beaten.