Grantham College Welcome Chinese Visitors
20th December 2012
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Staff and students from Chongqing University of Education in the Sichuan province of South West China are currently visiting Grantham College, experiencing the different aspects of the UK education system ranging from classroom activities to quality- assurance processes.  

This is a result of a partnership that was formed in 2010 when representatives from the college first visited Chongqing.

The group, which consists of two teachers and four students, arrived in the UK on 24 November and will fly home on 8 December. The group have been participating in classes across a range of curriculum areas including Business, English, ICT and Maths as well as attending management meetings. The group have also visited some of the UK’s cultural hot spots including London and Cambridge as well as more local cities such as Lincoln and Nottingham and spent a morning at Belton House.

Wayne Dyble, Director of Curriculum, Higher Education and International, said ‘ This is the first project in what will hopefully be a long relationship and help us towards achieving one of the strategic aims within our International Strategy, which is to develop International Collaborative Partnerships.’

‘The purposes of these partnerships are three fold: Firstly, to engage in international professional development for the college staff via staff exchanges. Secondly, to offer international opportunities for student exchange programmes and thirdly, to develop joint provision with the international partner and work with them on a commercial basis. It has given us great pleasure to host our guests from Chongqing.’

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