Are men just happier people
20th February 2010
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So are men just happier people? Your last name stays put, chocolate is just another snack, car mechanics tell you the truth, wrinkles add character and people never stare at your chest when you're talking to them!

One mood ALL the time. Maybe, maybe not. Do we really want just one state of mind per day? I personally like the ebb and flow of life.

One packing case? Easier certainly but very controlled.

And what woman wants a phone call over in seconds flat? Actually I do but most women don't.

Here are some other reasons men are allegedly happier (according to a man!)

  • You know stuff about tanks!
  • The same hairstyle can last for years
  • Underwear can be £9 for a 3 pack
  • Same work, more pay
  • You can be President
  • New shoes don't cut or blister feet
  • The garage is all yours

Bless! We women of course know happiness is so much more than the above. I searched for pictures of happy men on the net and most of the images were men with women!

About the Author

Lou H

Member since: 9th July 2012

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