New Palliative Care Help and Advice Service for Healthcare Professionals @PAHospice #PalliativeCare
1st May 2020
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A new Palliative Care Help and Advice service has been launched by Princess Alice Hospice, in Esher. Supported by Surrey Downs Integrated Care Partnership, the service is designed to support health and social care professionals caring for those with palliative care and end of life needs.

The Hospice has for 35 years been committed to supporting patients and their families in the local area, but has found that health and social care professionals are often in need of some guidance and advice, particularly since the outbreak of COVID-19, and where a full referral to the Hospice might not be necessary. The unique service, which will operate remotely, will be available seven days a week from 1 May and differs from the usual hospice service as the main aim is to offer advice on caring for those who are not already under their care.

Health and social care professionals will have access to a dedicated website where they can find guidance and advice on caring for patients who have specific palliative care needs. From here they will be able to talk to a specialist advisor via telephone, Webchat, email and WhatsApp.  The advisor can give guidance on specific cases regarding a number of issues such as medication, pain relief and broaching difficult subjects.

The service will be open from Monday to Sunday 9am -6pm.

Chief Executive Nicki Shaw said, ‘’We care for patients, their families and friends in our local community and will continue to do so for as long as they need us. This exciting new service will ensure that healthcare professionals in our area, whether their patients are under our care or not, are also being supported at this challenging time.  It is a mark of the strength and vision of the Surrey Downs ICP that we were able to work together to get this new service up and running in a matter of weeks so that more patients can benefit from the expertise of PAH specialists in end of life care.’


Princess Alice Hospice: For Compassion. For Excellence. For People. For Living.

Princess Alice Hospice has, for more than 30 years, provided free, high quality, specialist end of life care to tens of thousands of people across a large part of Surrey, south west London and Middlesex. Today, at any one time, Hospice nurses, doctors and other specialist staff are looking after more than 800 people in need.  The Hospice’s mission is to reach out to even more people by delivering outstanding care to those that need it. To enable us to do this we will rely on the commitment and support of our communities who help us to raise vital funds.

£10.3 million is needed each year to provide these vital and much-needed services. With limited NHS funding, 78% of funding must be raised through voluntary donations and fundraising.


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