Sugar Free February
28th January 2018
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 How was Dry January? Did you manage to quit alcohol for a month? Coming up soon is the Sugar Free February challenge. The idea is that someone gets people  to sponsor them to give up sugar for a month - in order to raise funds for Cancer Research.

 Last year celebrity Chris Evans did both Dry January and Sugar Free February ( in all probability giving up alcohol for two months).

Why Do It ?

In Britain we consume an average of 700g of sugar a week - that's 140 teaspoons each. This means taking on a lot of calories without any nutrients. It may provide short term energy, but we will quickly crave more as it is shortlived. Too much fructose can cause liver problems. Sugar harms insulin function and it therefore drives diabetes. it releases dopamine into the brain, which can cause addiction.

 The Benefits

 Cancer research suggests that you will feel great - without so much junk food; that it will boost your intake of healthy, nutrient,  foods - like fruit, veg, wholegrains and pulses; that you will learn to be a better cook; and that this will improve your will power.

 What they don't mention is that you will have peer group supportt from those that have sponsored you.

 Effective Hypnosis would like to wish all those who attempt Sugar Free February the greatest success in raising funds.

Matthew Hall, Master in Clinical Hypnosis

01895810772 / 07732391008

About the Author

Matthew H

Member since: 5th May 2012

The state of hypnosis is very like the state between waking and sleeping. A hypnotherapist will talk you down into a very relaxed state. Then he will test to make sure you are there. Once you are there...

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