Spatone Survey on Food Binging
21st February 2016
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Spatone Survey on Food and Alcohol Binging

 Spatone surveyed 2000 women on their eating habits, finding that 83% admitted to letting their calorie counting lapse at weekends.

 The triggers for binging were mentioned as -

Stressful week at work (40%),

Office cakes and treats (18%),

Friday take away (24%),

Saturday morning fry up (27%)

 Of those surveyed 77% said that they wished that they were more moderate.

Effective Hypnosis offers the weight loss program (including Hypnotic Gastric Banding) as a bespoke service. This means that we will tackle all of your triggers in our sessions. We don't want to deprive anyone of their take away or fry up. But we can help people to manage their stress effectively, and resist those office treats. See our testimonials for evidence that this works.

Matthew Hall

01895 810772/ 07732391008

About the Author

Matthew H

Member since: 5th May 2012

The state of hypnosis is very like the state between waking and sleeping. A hypnotherapist will talk you down into a very relaxed state. Then he will test to make sure you are there. Once you are there...

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