Junk food like a drug?
21st August 2013
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Junk food like a drug?

 Dr Jame Stubbs is involved in the pan European research programme Diogenes - which aims to advance understanding of obesity.

 He claims, when writing about a survey for Slimming World, that a junk food fix is like the response an addict gets to drugs.

 " Slimmers feel trapped by food cravings. They take comfort in food when they are down, then feel guilty and judged, so take comfort in food again."

 However, he doesn't say anything about withdrawal symptoms, that a drug addict may feel.

 Up to date research by Effective Hypnosis can heelp people to get over cravings for oods and smoking , and drugs. There is no need to feel helpless. We help you to take the power back from an addiction. When you come from a position of power it is easier to give up. See www.effectivehypnosis.co.uk/home for details.

About the Author

Matthew H

Member since: 5th May 2012

The state of hypnosis is very like the state between waking and sleeping. A hypnotherapist will talk you down into a very relaxed state. Then he will test to make sure you are there. Once you are there...

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