Carpet or sofa protection by Safeclean
27th February 2012
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When you buy a new sofa or carpet you are often asked whether you want Guardsman protection applied, but did you know that you can have this protection applied to any carpet or upholstery that is less than 5 years old and that you can top up existing protection for a small charge?

Having your carpet or upholstery cleaned professionally (by Safeclean) is the first step in maintaining it for years to come but applying Guardsman protection is the second. After application it will be much easier to blot away spills as soon as they occur. If you can’t remove the stain the Valspar claims department will arrange for a technician to come and spot clean the affected area. Safeclean technicians are the ones who will come along.

Next time you arrange to have your carpets or upholstery cleaned, why not consider having Guardsman protection applied for up to 5 years peace of mind.

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