Emergency Numbers You May Need Over Christmas and the New Year
20th December 2012
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Christmas and New Year is a magical time of year. But that doesn't mean things don't and won't go wrong. Hopefully, you'll manage to avoid any major disasters. But, just in case, here is a useful list of numbers that you might need this festive season.


Plumbing and Central Heating Breakdown

With the cold wet weather currently gripping Cheltenham and the rest of the UK, any problem with your central heating and plumbing systems will have even more of an impact on your household. Don't let it be a problem.

Greenoak Building Services          (01242) 279612

ID Godwin                                                          (01242) 512523

Complete Plumbing and Heating     (01242) 575240



While it’s always important to ensure your electrics are safe, it’s especially so at this time of year when all the families gather together.  If you are concerned there is a problem do get a qualified electrician to check for you.

PJ Electrics (01242) 269916


Computer problems

Love them or hate them, computers have become an integral part of our lives.  If you are having problems with your website then call Ken who can give you telephone support and remote access help.

Hozt 07598 283499



Should the worst happen over Christmas and the New Year, you'll want to turn to a funeral service that will make things as easy as possible. There is no easy time for death, but Alexander Burn Ltd. are always there to help.

Alexander Burn Ltd.      (01242) 673300



Toothache is no fun at all and when it happens you need to get it sorted fast so you can get on and enjoy the festivities.  It’s good to know you can visit a recommended local dental practice.

Leckhampton Dental Clinic     (01242) 578433



We all love our pets and they are fun to have about the house.  However, it can be very distressing when they suddenly get hurt or fall ill.  It’s at this time you need to call a reliable vet.

Arvonia Vets        (01242) 700100


Other Useful Numbers

Take a look at our Local Guides for any services you may need that are not listed above.


About the Author

Anne T

Member since: 8th July 2012

Business Development Director at The Best of Cheltenham
MD of Change Potential.co.uk

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