Meeting Rooms in Chelmsford

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Chelmsford City Fc
Chelmsford City Football Club is an iconic sporting venue in the heart of Chelmsford.
jason p said
I attended the friends of the city networking meeting on thursday night! What great relaxed atmosphere no pressure to do business with anyone just working the room introducing yourself to bussinesses! I would recommend this to any business to attend!These are run at chelmsford football club once a month breakfast/lunch/evening in rotation! To attend all you have to do is contact the club or thebestof Chelmsford?
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I attended the friends of the city networking meeting on thursday night! What great relaxed atmosphere no pressure to do business with anyone just working the room introducing yourself to …
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The Essex Laser Clinic
Bearded Dragon Barbers
Credit Control Management Services
Chelmsford City Fc
Il Palazzo Chelmsford
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