Made in Cumbria
20th March 2010
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Cumbria Chamber of Trade and Commerce have an opportunity to hijack the “Made In Cumbria” brand (which promotes the county’s cottage industries - crafts, gifts, and food), following a switch in control from the County Council to the Chamber.


The Chamber, it seems, are keen to expand the brand to include Sellafield and BAE Systems (Barrow shipyard). Spent fuel canisters from BNFL and Trident missiles for the brand, perhaps?…… and even if this association doesn’t cause you grief, small craft business could be associated with huge industries.


What right do these corporate entities have to feed upon your local brand, and all the hard work you’ve done over the years? “Made in Cumbria” is all about local, and it’s about scale too, and it looks like the Chamber have little grasp of either if they’re considering expansion of the brand in this way.


What do you think?

About the Author

Tony S

Member since: 29th January 2012

Sea kayaking, hill walking, a bit of climbing and just taken up sailing.
Been in business in Carlisle for around 20 years (former Managing Director of Jack Wolfskin Ltd.), and a keen believer...

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