How much did it cost?!
21st February 2010
... Comments

I see that Which magazine quotes that Hosptal Trusts in the UK were making as much as 534% profit - almost £1.1m - on car parking last year  That's PROFIT - the amount of money left once the costs have been settled.  


What are your views on the Trusts taking money out of your purse whilst you visit a loved one in hospital?


Elsewere in the NHS, nearly £1.1m has been spent on producing, distributing and promoting the NHS Constitution.  This Constitution sets out YOUR rights to care within the the NHS, made legally enforcable this year.  I've never even heard of it.


That's £1.1m of your money.


1 year after it's publication, a significant  percentage of the population hasn't even heard about it!  For the majority of the population, it doesn't exist., and yet it sets out YOUR rights to care, or, put another way, you've paid for something, and you have no idea at all what you're getting.  Brilliant, eh?


Front-line NHS medical staff, and the work they do, just amazing! - don't know about you, but I just couldn't do the same.  They're under huge financial and managerial pressures to deliver ever more from a dwindling pot of resources, and yet efficiencies somehow don't seem to be applied with the same rigour at managerial level. 


£1.1m?  Get your act together!


Let us know how you're spending OUR money.


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About the Author

Tony S

Member since: 29th January 2012

Sea kayaking, hill walking, a bit of climbing and just taken up sailing.
Been in business in Carlisle for around 20 years (former Managing Director of Jack Wolfskin Ltd.), and a keen believer...

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