Saturday blog - no 2
12th October 2008
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Saturday was an interesting day - the main teams had won Wales in the football and Cardiff Blues in the Heiniken Cup and even England got five at Wembley! So as a sporting weekend all was good.

I had an interesting start to the day and we'll see how this pans out on Monday - but I had an incident at the cashpoint!

It was that thing will all secretly fear but has never happened to me before... my transaction worked fine except it failed to give me the £200 I had requested. Crad back please take your cash - no cash.

Now the good news was this took place at the internal cashpoint in the branch of my bank and everyone must have heard the strange alarm the machine made - having checked with the cashier the money had been deducted from my account but Dim money!

This is the scary bit - you fill out a form and on Monday when they reconcile the machine they should ring me and tell me the money has been re-credited to my account... (let me know if this has ever happened to you!!). Hopefully, you can re-assure me. Several things struck me:

1. I have nothing to prove there was a problem - the form was for them.

2. I offered to let them search me for the money (which the attractive young assistant failed to take me up on...) but aside from CCTV which could support my claim that I didn't have my £200 - it is my word against theirs....

3. OK this was an internal machine in my own branch and the machine has had recent problems - but what if this had been an external machine in the rain outside Tesco's...could I have proved I had not had my money....doubt it.

The underlying issue is the damned Credit Crisis - do I still trust me bank...that's an interesting thought.

Anyway, we'll see if I get the call on Monday - I'll let you know.

Other adventures of the day - bit of hedge trimming in the garden and I popped to Dave's Gym to make me feel fit. At my age I have to grab a bit of exercise to justify those naughty couple of chocolate bars I am more likely to treat myself to at the weekend!

Anyway, I hope to get out in the lovely weather again - so let's hope the sunshine lasts for a few days. In these days of doom it is a real tonic and lift and we all need that.

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Member since: 10th July 2012

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